ADHD Coaching

How I work

I offer 1-2-1 coaching sessions for people wanting to reframe their life through the ADHD lens. My approach is completely led by you, what you want to share, challenges, strengths and hopes.

I aim to be as flexible as can be, understanding how we can sometimes struggle to organise ourselves. Sessions are generally 1 hour weekly with some flex depending on your needs and attention span! What I offer is a safe space where you can explore whatever you need, and be heard with compassion, warmth and plenty of ideas.

You can book a free introduction chat with me on:


I also run monthly ADHD UK groups for women, a welcoming online space to vent, share and feel connected. These events are free to attend.

About me

I was Diagnosed with ADHD at the tender age of 48. Finding out about my neuro-wiring was a life-changing lightning strike of understanding as I finally saw my struggles and wins through the neurodivergent lens – the crippling cravings and intense emotions balanced by a somewhat superhuman ability to make stuff happen. Hyperfocus definitely on, I deep-dived into the world of neurodiversity, finding my tribe. My personal journey was atypical - or very ADHD typical - let down deeply by the education system, floating from job to job until developing the confidence to tackle big heart projects: transforming education, creativity in all its form, and helping others find their own way.

After working with ADHD UK I completed a coaching accreditation to champion positive neuro-spectrum support and awareness, especially for girls and women while developing my personal and professional practice. I am particularly interested in the place of big and small trauma in our life, and take a connected body mind approach to healing.



I accept Access To Work funding and offer a 20% discount on prepayment for blocks of sessions.

Claire, 51

“I have been working with Katherine for almost a year, and I cannot begin to explain the tremendous impact she has had within that time.  I was diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD in October 2022, and although I was relieved to find out, I also felt stunned and incredibly overwhelmed.  Medication did not work so well for me, I wanted to learn who I was without having to mask my responses and behaviours, and understand how I can live authentically within the creative rhythms of my ADHD. 

Katherine has not only opened my eyes to the wonderful benefits of what it means to have ADHD, but also the glorious quirks and idiosyncrasies that make me, me.  My life has gone from a muffled monochrome existence where I was only a spectator watching from the sidelines to full 5D multicolour where my potential is endless! 

It’s the small things that have had the biggest impact, like creating routines that have meaning, finding out what actually motivates me and keeps me interested in something, and understanding my responses when before I would have berated myself for not being like everyone else expected me to be.   

I cannot recommend Katherine enough; your life will always be enhanced with her at your side.”

Imogen, 45

“The insight and understanding I'm gleaming from you is giving me a much greater level of self-awareness that I haven't been able to unpick before. I know it will help me to help myself and manage my symptoms going forward.  I'm incredibly grateful to have someone who 'gets me' and for your support and coaching to move forward.”

Daisy, 32

“I’ll forever be grateful the day I hopped on a discovery call with Katherine. The way she’s held space for me to process many tangled feelings about ADHD and the mishmash of my life has put me on a journey of growth and self discovery I didn’t know was waiting for me.             I always look forward to our sessions together and am truly grateful for the impact she’s had on my ADHD riddled life. I feel empowered, seen and cared for, and the techniques she’s helped build into my day to day have been amazing. Highly recommend- although don’t all rush to her because I want her all to myself xoxo.”